novaPDF Printer is a virtual printer driver for Windows 2000/XP/XP x64/2003 Server/2003 Server x64/Vista/Vista 
x64. Instead of printing on paper, it creates Adobe compatible PDF files. 
What is PDF? 
Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) is a universal file format that preserves the fonts, images, graphics, and 
layout of any source document, regardless of the application, hardware and operating system used to create it. 
PDF files are compact and complete, and can be shared, viewed, and printed by anyone with free Adobe Reader® 
software (or other third party PDF readers). PDF documents are also independent of the output device on which 
they are to be displayed or printed. 
PDF has become the de facto standard for the electronic exchange of documents. Major corporations, government 
agencies, and educational institutions streamline their operations by replacing paper-based workflow with 
electronic exchange of information. 
Why use novaPDF Printer? 
novaPDF Printer converts any printable file into a PDF file. Its purpose is to enable users to exchange electronic 
documents easily, independently of the environment in which they were initially created. It also helps companies 
to publish reports, marketing plans, price lists, contracts, and any other documents in a portable electronic 
document format. 
How to use novaPDF? 
All you have to do is to click Print from the application displaying the document and choose the novaPDF to create 
PDF files. You can generate high-quality and searchable PDF files from any Windows application. 
You can choose a default folder and file name for generated PDF files, or you can set them at each print job. You 
can also choose different options for the output PDF file, including custom paper size, resolution, portrait and 
landscape orientation, scale, image compression, font embedding, PDF security and document metadata. 
To create a PDF file you only need a windows application that can print (like Notepad or WordPad). 
To view PDF files, you need the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® (you can download it from or any 
other PDF viewer application. 
Getting Started 
Printing a test page 
After installation you can test if novaPDF is working properly by printing a test page.  
To print a test page in Windows Vista: 
1. Go to Start and click on Printers (if you have the Classic menu go to Start->Settings->Printers) 
2. In the Printers window, right-click novaPDF and select Properties 
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3. In the novaPDF Properties window, click on Print Test Page 
4. You will be prompted to select a location and name for the test PDF file. Choose one and click Save. 
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5. After the PDF was created and saved, it will open in your default PDF reader and you will see the printed test 
page. If novaPDF is not registered, a notice is printed at the end of the PDF file. This can be removed from 
further created PDF files by purchasing a license and registering it. 
To print a test page in Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server: 
1. Go to Start and click on Printers and Faxes (if you have the Classic menu go to Start->Settings-
>Printers and Faxes) 
2. In the Printers and Faxes window, right-click novaPDF and select Properties 
3. In the novaPDF Properties window, click on Print Test Page 
4. You will be prompted to select a location and name for the test PDF file. Choose one and click Save. 
5. After the PDF was created and saved, it will open in your default PDF reader and you will see the printed test 
page. If novaPDF is not registered, a notice is printed at the end of the PDF file. This can be removed from 
further created PDF files by purchasing a license and registering it. 
To print a test page in Windows 2000: 
1. Go to Start and click on Printers  
2. In the Printers window, right-click novaPDF and select Properties 
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3. In the novaPDF Properties window, click on Print Test Page 
4. You will be prompted to select a location and name for the test PDF file. Choose one and click Save. 
5. After the PDF was created and saved, it will open in your default PDF reader and you will see the printed test 
page. If novaPDF is not registered, a notice is printed at the end of the PDF file. This can be removed from 
further created PDF files by purchasing a license and registering it. 
Accessing the novaPDF Printing Preferences – test the 
multiline bookmark detection option 
You can access the Printing Preferences window and change the various settings available. 
To access the novaPDF Printing Preferences window in Windows Vista: 
1. Go to Start and click on Printers (if you have the Classic menu go to Start->Settings->Printers) 
2. In the Printers window, right-click novaPDF and select Printing Preferences 
3. novaPDF Printing Preferences window will be displayed and you will have the option to change the 
various settings available (grouped in tabs)   
To access the novaPDF Printing Preferences window in Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server: 
1. Go to Start and click on Printers and Faxes (if you have the Classic menu go to Start->Settings-
>Printers and Faxes) 
2. In the Printers and Faxes window, right-click novaPDF and select Printing Preferences 
3. novaPDF Printing Preferences window will be displayed and you will have the option to change the 
various settings available (grouped in tabs) 
To access the novaPDF Printing Preferences window in Windows 2000: 
1. Go to Start and click on Printers 
2. In the Printers window, right-click novaPDF and select Printing Preferences 
3. novaPDF Printing Preferences window will be displayed and you will have the option to change the various 
settings available (grouped in tabs) 
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Creating PDF Files 
novaPDF installs itself as a virtual printer driver so there is no exe file to run in order to create PDF files.  
To create PDF files, you just have to print your documents to the novaPDF Printer, like you would print to a normal 
How to create PDF files from Microsoft Word 
1. Open the Word document that you want to convert to a PDF file 
2. Go to File->Print and select novaPDF from the Printers combo-box 
3. Click on Ok and choose a location for your PDF file 
How to create PDF files from Microsoft WordPad 
1. Open the document that you want to convert to a PDF file 
2. Go to File->Print and select novaPDF from the Printers' list 
3. Click on Print and choose a location for your PDF file  
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How to create PDF files from NotePad 
1. Open the NotePad document that you want to convert to a PDF file 
2. Go to File->Print and select novaPDF from the Printers' list 
3. Click on Print and choose a location for your PDF file 
Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (