Your Company  123 Your Street,  Your City,    ST 12345   (123) 456-7890     PROCESS DEFINITION  DOCUMENT  RobotSpareBin Industries Inc.  Weekly sales report creation              Confidential    DOCUMENT VERSION HISTORY  Version  Author  Date  1.x          SIGNED OFF BY  Name  Function  Responsibility  Maria  Intranet Administrator  Process information            CONTRIBUTORS  Name  Function  Responsibility  You!  Software Robot  Developer  Process automation            Confidential - ​Your Company​ ​123 Your Street, Your City, ST 12345 (123) 456-7890     2/9      Current process analysis    High-level description  The process is used once a week to manually insert sales performance data for all Sales  Representatives into the intranet, and to generate a PDF report.  The company sets weekly sales goals for each sales representative. At the end of the  week, their results are exported from an existing system (not included in this process)  into an Excel spreadsheet.  Currently, the intranet administrator manually executes these operations:  1. Each week a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is exported and uploaded to the intranet  webserver.  2. The employee downloads the exported spreadsheet from the intranet webserver.  3. The employee manually logs into the intranet website.  4. The employee inserts the information for each sales representative.  5. Data is collected in a table on the site, which also adds up the sales goal and the  actual sales for the week.  6. The employee selects the table in the browser, pastes the code into Microsoft  Word, and prints the resulting document as a PDF.  Systems involved    System  Used for  User role needed  Microsoft Excel  Collecting the sales data,  used manually by the  employee as the source of  data which is manually  copied and pasted into the  intranet.  The employee must have  access to the intranet.  Company intranet  (​https://robotsparebinindus​)  Displaying the sales data  for all employees to see,  tallying the sales data.  The employee must have  an administrative account  for the intranet that allows  inserting data.  Confidential - ​Your Company​ ​123 Your Street, Your City, ST 12345 (123) 456-7890     3/9    Microsoft Word  Formatting the sales data  taken from the website into  a PDF document.        Confidential - ​Your Company​ ​123 Your Street, Your City, ST 12345 (123) 456-7890     4/9    Process flow  Here is a description of the process in the form of a flow chart:      Confidential - ​Your Company​ ​123 Your Street, Your City, ST 12345 (123) 456-7890     5/9    Detailed steps   1. Employee downloads the Excel file  The Excel file can be found on the intranet website. It follows this structure:  First Name Last Name Sales Sales Target David Heazel 80193 30000   2. Employee logs into the site  The URL used by employees is: ​  This is how the login interface looks like:    Employees are provided with personal credentials (a username and a password).    3. Employee inputs information of one sales representative  After logging into the site, the employee inserts the data for the first sales representative:  Confidential - ​Your Company​ ​123 Your Street, Your City, ST 12345 (123) 456-7890     6/9      Note: The “Sales target ($)” form field is a